
NAS Software Inc. offers computerized experiments to be conduct ed using our physics program. The experiments are written in one of the two formats:

Tutored Experiment

A detailed tutorial which guides the student through all steps of the experimental procedure, the analysis of results and the conclusions. The tutorial includes a theoretical introduction.

Exploration Experiment

Worksheets which include instructions for the student to perform exploratory actions, to analyze results and to draw conclusions, while applying research principles and physical knowledge.

NAS offers a complete package for learning physics. The package is divided into two parts:

Computerized Laboratories


NAS offers a complete line of physics simulations that brings science to life. Each simulation is a stimulating, comprehensive environment for physics students of all ages to explore. Rich environments with exciting features and powerful functionality provide an ideal setting in which to discover and unravel the mysteries of physics. Each simulation comes with extensive, classroom-tested literature, including lesson plans, projects, exercises and tutorials- written by and experienced team of senior physics educators. With the easy-to-operate, user-friendly interface, students just click on buttons to perform all of the following features:

Demonstrate basic principles under a variety of circumstances. Follow the motion of a body with the Visual Physics’ tracer, in regular or slow motion. Look up the formulae involved. Change the setting of the parameters and see the outcomes. Graph and analyze the results. View pre-programmed, multi-media demonstrations including dynamic animations, textual annotations, and narrations. Load complete physical environments from interactive text files that describe physics exercises for insightful understanding and problem-solving. Learn how to operate each simulation with an audio-visual tutorial. Save and load scenarios-continue where you left off at any time.

Computerized Laboratories

Our real lab experiment system allows you to perform exciting “hands on” experiments using our software and sensors system with the following innovative products: ACBL (Audio Card Based Laboratory) – transforms a PC equipped with a standard sound card into a powerful (measurement) station. PC LAB PRO – A powerful data acquisition package which allows easy communication with various interfaces and sensors.

List of Subjects

Harmonic Motion
Circuar Motion
DC Circuits
Ripple Tank
Computerized Lab
AC Scope
AC Wave Generator