American Speechsounds for Professionals

Designed for use in schools or for individuals who would like to improve their spoken communication.

Clients using American Speechsounds Professional version include:

High schools

Colleges and universities

Adult education centers


Trainers and teachers

Individual professionals

The Professional Version includes an authoring function that allows administrators to create totally customised exercises using professional terms, names, places, jargon, slang, and dialogues — anything you need.

This comprehensive software covers all the challenging areas of spoken English: consonant sounds, vowel sounds, stress, intonation, linking, word endings, casual speech, and more!

Video clips, diagrams, instructions, explanations of common problems, and spelling examples are included for every sound.

Scored listening exercises recommend when to go on to recording. Record sounds, words, phrases, and sentences.

Practice independently, progress at your own pace.

This version has the option to display International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) symbols.


8000+ American English words and expressions

Guide for 38 language backgrounds.

Teaches consonant and vowel sounds with video and audio instructions

Presents Endings, Intonation, Linking, Shortcuts, Stress exercises

Includes ABC (Alphabet Letters), Days, Months, See the Sea (Homonyms), Shh! (Silent Consonants)

Contains a Locator to help you find every word

Features authoring — create totally customized exercises using professional terms, names, places, slang, jargon, dialogues

Offers the option to display International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) symbols

Consonant and Vowel exercises for every difficult sound

Endings Exercises

A Great Grade (Voicing)

Almost Perfect (Consonant Cluster Endings)

Bell & Whistles (Plurals)

Tried it, Liked it (Past Tense)

Linking Exercises

Could-You? (Sound Changes)

Does-it? (Consonant + Vowel)

Feel-it? (L + Vowel)

Get-it? (T+ Vowel)

Guess-so (Same Sounds)

Hear-it? (R + Vowel)

See-it? (Vowel + Vowel)

Intonation Exercises

It is. (Statement)

Is it? (Yes-No Questions)

Who? (“wh-” Questions)

do I? (Tag Endings)

1, 2, and 3 (Series)

But . . . (Pauses)

Shortcuts Exercises

ASAP (Abbreviations)

It’s Good! (Contractions)

More ‘r Less (Relaxed Speech)

Stress Exercises

Drive IN (Verb Phrases)

HOTdog (Compound Nouns)

-ic, -ity, -tion (Suffixes)

PreSENT a PREsent (Noun-Verb Forms)

SOMEone (Compound Nouns)

Put it HERE (Word Stress)


1 program $149.95

2-9 programs $109.95 each

10-16 programs $99.95 each

17-50 (site license) $1,900.00 total

51st + programs $35 each

Workbook $35 each*

*A free digital workbook and rights to reproduce it for use in the classroom come with the purchase of multiple programs.

Hardware Requirements:
Windows 7, 8, 10 (32- and 64-bit). Or Mac with Windows under Parallels or equivalent software. Microphone and headphones/speaker