Dollars & Cents
Three multimedia software programs present a well-rounded money management curriculum that progresses in difficulty. Includes First Money, Spending Money and Making Change.
First Money
Take the first step in independent money management. Voice prompts and graphics cue users to move through these segments: Money names, equal value and what’s it worth. For example, students learn that a quarter equals two dimes and a nickel, and that a ten dollar bill equals two fives. First Money offers display or quiz options.
Spending Money
Using this program as a shopping spree students purchase items. They select bills and coins using the currency of their choice to complete a transaction and receive change. With a shopping list and computer cash, users browse through eight stores in a “money mall.” Each store features an exercise or shopping option. In exercises, teacher determines if student pays with coins, with bills or both,or whether a student pays using the exact amount or not. In shopping option, teacher decides how much the student has to spend, and the program generates a shopping list.
Making Change
The student functions like a store clerk. They enter purchases and give back change. The program randomly generates hundreds of purchasing situations and makes an excellent vocational training and applied math program. The teacher decides which currency is used.
For a PC demo click here
Level: beginner-advanced.
Price: $139.00 + shipping and applicable taxes.
Hardware Requirements:
Mac System 7 or greater, Windows XP / VISTA / WIN 7,8 and 10